Corruption: Transparency International. Bribe PayersCorruption Perceptions Index. Bribe Payers. Transparency for Business
Sample - Transparency International The Subject “Transparency International” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Course: No to Corruption in International Business. All the Masters in International Business. Doctorate International Business (DIB). Languages: (or Transparencia Internacional Transparence Internationale). Transparency International (TI) was created in 1993 with the aim to fight against the global corruption. The vision of TI is “A world free of corruption: governments, politics, business, civil society and people.” Today is present in 100 countries (local chapters). EENI wish to recognise publicly the significant efforts that Transparency International Is doing to fight the scourge of corruption. According to Transparency International: “Corruption is the abuse of the entrusted power for private gain.” Some of his achievements are:
Transparency International has developed an indicator based on the perceptions to measure the global corruption in the public sector (both administrative and political); the Corruption Perceptions Index, an essential tool for any company operating in the global market.
66% of the 176 economies ranked in the Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International has scored below fifty points (0 maximum level of corruption, 100 minima).
Transparency International achievements affect foreign trade by strengthening legal and political framework. (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |