EENI Global Business School

Adaptation to Turkish Students (Bachelor, Trade)

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Adaptation to Turkish Students (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fourth semester, second year)

Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

Syllabus of the Subject: Turkish Economy and International Trade

  1. Introduction to Turkey
  2. Turkish Economy
  3. International Trade of Turkey
  4. Africa-Turkey Partnership
  5. EU-Turkey Customs Union


  1. To analyze the Turkish Economy and Global Trade
  2. To explore Turkey's trade relations
  3. To know Turkey Trade Agreements
  4. To analyze the customs union between Turkey and the EU and the Turkey-Africa Partnership

Syllabus of the Subject: Turkey's Free Trade Agreements and Economic Institutions:

  1. Trade Agreements with the EFTA, Israel, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Syria (pending), Egypt, Jordan, Georgia, Lebanon, Montenegro, Serbia, Chile, Mauritius, South Korea, and Albania
  2. Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
  3. Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
  4. Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (Turkic Council)
  5. Trade Preferential System among the Member States of the OIC (TPS-OIC)
  6. EU-Turkey Customs Union

Turkey is a candidate member to the EU Enlargement

  1. Arab League
  2. OIC
  3. Islamic Development Bank
  4. Asia-Middle East Dialogue
  5. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCWA)
  6. Economic Commission for Europe
  7. European Investment Bank
  8. Regional Cooperation Council
  9. OSCE

Turkey is a Dialogue Partner member of the Indian-Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and an observer in the Regional Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM).

Chile-Turkey Free Trade Agreement.

  1. Introduction to the Free Trade Agreement between Chile and Turkey
  2. Trade in Goods Chile-Turkey

Turkey-EFTA Free Trade Agreement.

  1. Introduction to the Turkey-EFTA FTA
  2. Topics covered by the Turkey-EFTA Agreement
  3. International Trade between Turkey and the EFTA Countries

Tunisia-Turkey Free Trade Agreement.

  1. Introduction to the Tunisia-Turkey FTA
  2. International Trade between Tunisia and Turkey

Turkey-Morocco Free Trade Agreement.

  1. Introduction to the Turkey-Morocco FTA
  2. Advantages of the Agreement
  3. International Trade between Turkey and Morocco

Turkey-Egypt Free Trade Agreement.

  1. Introduction to the Free Trade Agreement between Turkey and Egypt
  2. International Trade Egypt-Turkey

Trade Preferential System among the Member States of the OIC

  1. Introduction to the Trade Preferential System of the OIC
  2. Framework Agreement of the TPS-OIC
  3. Protocol on the Preferential Tariff Scheme
  4. Rules of Origin under the OIC Trade Preferential System

Syllabus of the Subject: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

  1. Introduction to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED)
  2. Barcelona Process and the Union for the Mediterranean
  3. Trade Relations between the EU and the Southern Mediterranean countries
  4. Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Zone
  5. System of pan-Euro-Mediterranean accumulation of origin

Objective: to know the basics of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

Customs Union between the EU and Turkey

  1. Introduction to the Accession Partnership for Turkey
  2. EU-Turkey Association Agreement
  3. EU-Turkey Customs Union
  4. International Trade between the EU and Turkey
  5. Pan-Euro-Mediterranean system of accumulation

Syllabus of the Subject: Africa-Turkey Economic Partnership

  1. Introduction to the Turkey-Africa Economic Partnership
  2. New model of partnership to enhance a sustainable development and integration
  3. Second Africa-Turkey Summit. The Istanbul Declaration on Partnership
  4. International Trade Africa-Turkey
  5. Cooperation Framework for the Africa-Turkey Partnership


  1. To understand the aims of Turkey-Africa Partnership and the concept of “Turkey as an Afro-Eurasian country
  2. To know the areas of cooperation between Africa and Turkey
  3. To analyze the international trade between Turkey and the African Countries

Syllabus of the Subject: Turkic Council.

  1. Introduction to the Turkic Council (Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States)
  2. Structure and the areas of cooperation (economic, customs, transport) of the Turkic Council
  3. Economic Cooperation between the Member States: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Turkey
  4. Silk Road
  5. Customs and Transport Cooperation
  6. Turkic Business Council


  1. To understand the purposes and structure of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States
  2. To assess the areas of cooperation
  3. To understand the importance of the Silk Road
  4. To analyze the trade relations of the Turkic Council

Syllabus of the Subject: Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC).

  1. Introduction to the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
  2. Areas of cooperation: trade, customs and logistics
  3. Black Sea Trade and Development Bank


  1. To understand the aims and functions of the BSEC
  2. To analyze the areas of cooperation of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
  3. To evaluate the role of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank

Syllabus of the Subject: Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).

  1. Introduction to the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
  2. ECOTA Trade Agreement
  3. Aims, activities and structure of the ECO
  4. ECO Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  5. Directorate of International Trade and Investment
  6. International Relations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation


  1. To understand the purposes and activities of the Economic Cooperation Organization
  2. To assess the benefits for ECO's member countries
  3. To know the regional institutions of the Economic Cooperation Organization

Samples of the adaptation to Turkish Students (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fourth semester, second year):

Online Bachelor: Doing Business in Turkey

Africa-Turkey Partnership Cooperation Framework

Turkic Council

EFTA-Turkey Free Trade Agreement (Bachelor, eLearning)

Chile-Turkey Free Trade Agreement (Bachelor, eLearning)

Turkey Free Trade Agreements

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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