EENI Global Business School

Internationalization/FDI (Online Bachelor, Trade)

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Internationalization/Foreign Direct Investment (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fifth semester)

Bachelor of Science in International Trade  

Bachelor of Science in International Trade

Subject - “strategies of Internationalization. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)” (6 ECTS) - Online Bachelor of Science in International Trade.

Syllabus of the Program: strategies of Internationalization.

  1. Introduction to strategies of Internationalization
  2. Internationalization Process
  3. Competitive strategy and international competitiveness
  4. Porter's five forces analysis
  5. Value chain
  6. SWOT Analysis
  7. GGlobalization, regionalization and localization strategies
  8. Global strategic alliances
  9. Case Study:
    1. Internationalization of companies
    2. Strategy of internationalization of BASF, DANONE and Nokia

Objectives of the Program “strategies of Internationalization”:

  1. To understand the concepts of value chain and competitive advantage
  2. To know how to design and implant an strategy of Internationalization for export companies
  3. To analyze success cases of internationalization of companies

Syllabus of the Program: Foreign direct investment (FDI).

1- Introduction to the foreign direct investment.

  1. Introduction to the foreign direct investment
  2. FDI's Global Investment
  3. World Trade Organization and FDI
  4. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and FDI
  5. European Union's Foreign Direct Investment Policy
  6. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
  7. Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIM)
  8. Index of Economic Freedom

2- Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and FDI

  1. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and FDI
  2. UNCTAD'S FDI Indices
  3. Case Study: FDI Inward and outward Index
  4. Calculation methodology of the FDI
  5. UNCTAD World Investment

3- Investments Abroad

  1. Establishing companies abroad:
    1. Sales delegations
    2. Affiliated companies
    3. Branches
    4. Joint ventures
  2. Optimizing the expropriation risks
  3. Corporate governance
  4. Investing in the developing countries
  5. Case Study:
    1. Reconstruction of industry in the former Soviet Republics
    2. Incorporating a Company in the U.S.

The main objective is to understand the key concepts related to the foreign direct investment.

On finishing this subject, the student will know:

  1. The different strategies to follow to set up a company in an international market beyond merely the sale of products
  2. The legal formulas that adapt better to investments, and the decisions are taken by a gift products company that established its commercial branch in the U.S.
  3. The troubles are arising from establishing investments in the developing countries

Subjects of the fifth semester of the Bachelor of Science in International Trade.

FDI (Bachelor of Science in Trade, 2-4)

ECTS: European Transfer and Accumulation System

Samples: strategies of internationalization and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (Bachelor of Science in International Trade, e-learning, fifth semester).

Foreign direct investment FDI. Expropriation risks. Global Investment Outlook

FDI Foreign direct investment

Investing abroad FDI

Language of the subject “strategies of internationalization and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)” of the Bachelor of Science in International Trade (fifth semester): Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study eLearning Bachelor of Science in Spanish Bachelor of Science en Comercio Internacional, Study an Online Bachelor of Science in French Bachelor of Science en commerce international Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Bachelor of Science em Comércio Internacionale.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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