The Subject “Andean Community-MERCOSUR
Economic Complementation Agreement” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:
In 1998, the members of the MERCOSUR and the Andean Community signed a Agreement
In 1999, was signed an Economic Complementation Agreement Nº 39 (ACE39)
In 2000, Argentina signs and Economic Complementarity Agreement Nº 48 (ACE48)
with Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela
In 2002, they signed the agreement for the establishment of a Free-Trade Area: The Economic Complementation Agreement Nº 56 (ACE56)
In 2003, Bolivia and the MERCOSUR signed the Economic Complementarity Agreement (ACE) Nº36
In 2004, they signed the Economic Complementarity Agreement Nº59 (free-trade area)
Chile returned to the Andean Community as an associate member state
in 2006
Trade Relations between the Andean Community
and the MERCOSUR have evolved quickly toward a convergence process that will benefit the 350 million people
Foreign Trade
between the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) and the MERCOSUR (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Paraguay): 16,430 million dollars (+ 27% over the previous year)
Andean Community imports from the MERCOSUR: 10,844 million dollars
Foreign Trade between the Andean Community and Chile: 7,134 million dollars