The capital of Belarus is Minsk (3 million inhabitants)
Belarusian population: 9.6 million people
The spoken languages in Belarus are Belarusian and Russian
Government Type: Presidential Republic
Belarus gained the independence from the Soviet Union in 1990
Belarusian Area: 207,600 km²
The Belarusian main religion is Orthodox Christianity. There are 1.7 million Catholics.
Belarus belongs to the Orthodox Economic Area.
Belarusian Economy.
The Republic of Belarus has benefited a strong economic growth since its independence in 1992
The EU has suspended the economic partnership with Belarus until the political and civil conditions improve
The Union State (Russia and Belarus). The Strategic Partnership with the Russian Federation stems from their location, historical and cultural links between Russia and Belarus, economic ties and cooperation between the Belarusian and Russian companies
The main trade partners
of Belarus are Russia, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Venezuela, the UK, Latvia, and Italy
Potash fertilizer and flax fiber production are the largest export products of Belarus
The majority of the foreign direct investment came from the EU (43%) and Russia (33%)
The largest foreign direct investment sources were Russia (82%), Switzerland, Cyprus, and Germany
Minsk is the capital and industrial centre of the Republic of Belarus.
The main economic activities of Minsk are industry (20% of the total industrial production volume of Belarus), construction, science and scientific services, food production, light and motor industry, tractor manufacturing, machine tool, construction, metal working, instrument making and radio engineering and electronic equipment manufacturing
Minsk export 60% of his production
The main industrial export products are tractors, lorries, metal-working machine tools, refrigerators, TV sets, motor-cycles, and bicycles
The main export market destination are Russia, Ukraine, Baltic States, Poland, Germany, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan
Access to the Eurasian Land Transport Initiative
International Trade and Business in Belarus:
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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