EENI and the International Commission on Distance LearningEENI is a certified member of the International Commission on Distance Learning - United NationsThe INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON DISTANCE EDUCATION is a non-profit organization established in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1997 created with the aim of promote and develop distance education programs. Since 2003 the Commission holds consultative status, special category, in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. Its Honorary President and Founder has been Prof. PhD Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, until his recent death. The Commission offers a scheme of quality assessment audits to those member institutions that choose to join the scheme. It is open to all academic institutions that offer any form of distance learning programs and at all levels. It is also open to students who choose to pursue Distance Learning. Among the main objectives of the organization are the promotion of distance education programs in emerging countries and the creation of a scholarship fund for the students with demonstrable low levels of income from underdeveloped countries. Each member institution of the ICODE and all institutions that join the quality assessment scheme are required to offer two scholarships annually for each course audited. These scholarships are to be offered to students in emerging and undeveloped countries. The ICODE is established in five regional centers across the five continents. It is represented in all the offices of the UN through the delegates who inform to the Economic and Social Council of the concerns of the sector and keep track of the programs designed to improve the educational levels and to reduce the technological deficit of the least favoured countries. EENI Global Business School is a certified member of this organization since December 2003. Website: International Commission on Distance Learning. (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |