EENI Global Business School

Project Management for Development Projects

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Syllabus of the Subject

Fundamentals of the Project Management for Development Projects

  1. Objectives and standards of the Project Management
  2. Project management framework and the Project Management Body of Knowledge of the Project Management Institute and other bodies
  3. Scheduling, scope, and human resources techniques applied to development projects
  4. Communication and risk analysis techniques in development projects

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English and /or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Master Comercio Exterior Study Doctorate in International Business in French Master Commerce International.

Description (Fundamentals of the Project Management for Development Projects).


  1. Training professionals in concepts, methodologies, techniques, and tools relating to Project Management globally
  2. Setting a common terminology about Project Management that allows a better understanding of its stages

In this subject; we intend to provide general knowledge about Project Management and to cover professionals' needs for training to achieve a higher level of internalization in projects.

A project presents the following key issues:

  1. It has one Group of objectives and the project finishes once the objectives are achieved
  2. It is well limited in time
  3. A manager or a project leader (Project Manager) is essential
  4. It has its material and budgetary means
  5. It includes efforts of every company sector involved in the project

Project Management for Development Projects:
Management Development Projects

After the analysis and study of the project; we should explore Project Management issues in depth. According to PMBOK:

“Application of knowledge, methodologies, techniques and tools for project activities, directed to satisfying your needs and expectations.”

This includes balancing the following:

  1. Scope, time, cost, risk, and quality demands
  2. Needs and expectations of the people involved parties in the project
  3. Identified and unidentified needs

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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