EENI Global Business School

Guides Doing Business in...

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Market Access - Learning materials “Doing Business in”..

Business in - Market Access - Learning materials. EENI Global Business School.

  1. EENI Guides “Doing Business in
  2. Supplementary materials on business in the country (update reports)
  3. Websites of interest to the exporter

International Market Access

1- EENI Guides “Doing Business in”

EENI Global Business School has developed more than 130 guides “Doing Business in...”. The topics discussed include an introduction to the country, economy, foreign trade, FDI, Trade Agreements, business cases, business opportunities, and emerging sectors. This guide is the first to be consulted by the student.

Foreign Trade (Importing, Exporting)

The following figure shows an example of the course materials “Doing Business in Brazil” in several languages. In the left part, the student has a list of all the materials to be studied (Brazilian Economy, Espiritu Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Janeiro) In the right part the student access to the study material (in this case, the unit “Doing Business in Rio de Janeiro” in English), these guides are in PDF format (the student can download to his PC and, print).

Master Course: Business

2- Supplementary materials on business in that country (update reports).

To have an up-to-date information of the country (especially on economic statistics and foreign trade), the student can access a range of supplementary material for this market. These materials are usually prepared by the central banks, agencies of investments, ministries of economy, and the customs of the country. In the following example, the student can see an updated report on investments in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Update reports

3- Websites of interest to the exporter.

For each market to analyze, the student has a series of links to business related sites in the country. Normally there are links to Ministries (Trade, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Industry), investment agencies, customs, Central Banks, Ports, Chambers of Commerce, or Business Associations.

In the following example, you can see how a student of the Online Professional Course / Subject “Foreign Trade and Business in Saudi Arabia” has a direct link to the import procedures of Saudi Arabia:
Customs Procedures (Foreign Trade) Origin of Goods

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

Learning materials - Country profile - Foreign Trade - Market Access - Investment - Complementary information - Regional Associations - Agreements.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Students, Doctorate, Master in International Business, Foreign Trade

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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