EENI Global Business School

Students of international business. Masters, Courses

EENI: more than 4,000 students in Asia, Europe, America, Africa (Masters, Doctorate)

In the previous editions of the Master in International Business (21th edition), more than one hundred students from four continents have studied at EENI Global Business School.

EENI Students
The student is placed in a global atmosphere where the professors, as well as the fellow students, are spread around the world (Networking)

HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (Arabia) EENI Master Honoris Causa
EENI delivers to HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal a Master Honoris Causa.

The students Clément Lonfo and Christelle Yameogo (Burkina Faso) receiving the diploma of the Master in International Business at EENI headquarters:
Clément Lonfo and Christelle Yameogo EENI

Online Students, EENI Global Business School
Would you like to see a picture with several of our students?

Master of Science in International Business (Burkina Faso)

Abdoul Karim Ouandaogo (EENI Alumni)
Ouandaogo Abdoul Karim (Student of the Master of Science in International Business) winner of a WAEMU regional award.

E-learning Courses, Diplomas (Global Business, Foreign Trade)


EENI is proud of the quality, service, and support provided to its students. We have compiled a page with some feedback from students who have achieved our master programs (see also opinions of French-speaking students (Commerce International) and Spanish countries Alumnos comercio exterior).

Delivery of the Professional Diploma on Master of international business to Mr Gilfredo Milan (Cuba)

It is unnecessary that the students come personally to receive the diplomas, but if the students wish to visit us; they are always welcome...

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

Studying online requires a real engagement from you. I am very satisfied with my experience at EENI. I had a great time and learned everything I need to know to work in international business. To anyone considers attending one of the Professional Courses at EENI, my advice is that you sign up today. Everyone has been very helpful, friendly, professional and very knowledgeable. The content of the material is mostly based on case studies, which stimulate students' thinking, and prepare them for the future managerial decision-making. Thank you for this experience!
Gabi Hirjanu. Romania


La esperienza all'EENI è stata assolutamente positiva. Consiglio vivamente a tutti i corsi di EENI. I docenti sono molto preparati ed amabili. I loro preziosi consigli mi hanno invogliato a seguire il corso con sempre maggiore entusiasmo e impegno. Grazie ancora a tutti!!! Vi saluto. Gabi H
Letter of gratefulness

Dear Pedro Nonell, equipment of EENI and companions students

The Masters of international business (Bilingual), has opened many labour doors to me in Ireland. Very I am thanked for by the coherence and professionalism of the structure of studies in your centre, having made possible to me at the same time to confirm other activities that to form to me and to optimize my professional profile. The testimony, which I am going to relate desire that are of reference and utility for the students which you are study at EENI, so and as it was my case. Measurement of theoretical and practical knowledge that I managed to reach in the units, (not without effort of course), made possible the confidence to me sufficient to design a short term plan of labour positioning. With respect to Ireland to take a model, once finalizes the training programme, has the doors opened in an ample fan of possibilities.
For example, centers of attention to the client of multinationals with the European base in Dublin. You already know the weight specific Spanish language, in the market of the international trade and furthermore he is increasing. You can contact with agencies of labour hiring of prestige, for example, Grafton Recruitment of Dublin or to focus options in, where the opportunities can surprise you simply selecting “Spanish” in the search engine.
You can combine your international knowledge with the computer science sector and there you will find a access of management of the European markets.
Another option is to comprise control of payments “business to business,” in several companies. The logistics world of the international also is accessible. This is only some examples of which you can obtain if you take advantage of with effort the educational programme at EENI.
Personally I have been in several stages, with the advantage to be focusing my experiences on the international sectors that they attracted to me more, finally managing to combine two things that get passionate to me, foreign trade and the international world of golf. You can open doors everywhere, my experience is the tactical mission of Ireland.
You never forget to enjoy the experiences abroad and the case of non accommodate completely to another country, always your collaboration possibly in one of the greater world-wide multinationals will be reflected, and course, if I must finalise this particular testimony of some way, I will not do it without remember that always you emphasise your bilingual Masters and the technological newness of e-learning in your interviews.

A greeting for all.

Javier Sampedro- Dublin.


I am very happy to complete the first unit; it was long. However, it was very useful. I have got more information about the GATT, World Trade Organization (WTO), UN, EU, and multilateral agreements in the World. I knew “policy our school” how to become an exporter? I discover that with my partner “Ehsaan” through the studying and visiting the Chamber of Commerce, some companies and ministery of the international trade. The new form for website is very beautiful. Thank you.

Nasser Hadi (Yemen)

European Union

I have just finished the “European Union” subject of the Master of Science in International Business. It has fascinated me, I have learned in depth all the different organisms and institutions in the EU. In the end of each unit I am always suggested entering the e-campus and review questions and answers, read articles... In my opinion, all materials are excellent.

Ivone Flores, Coordinator of the Bank of Investment Projects. Export and Investment Promotion Corporation of Ecuador (CORPEI)

International Trade

I am entirely satisfied because the “Master of Science in International Trade” meets my needs. Moreover, the master is very exhaustive. Without any doubt, the Master will improve my CV. The experience accumulated during the Master is a large asset in great companies, especially mine, which is a telecommunication multinational company. As we all know, nowadays markets are liberalized and, in consequence, there is an increasing competence all around the world.
Aboubacar Gueye (Senegal)

I am very happy with the Master. About the articles I wrote about my country, you can share them with other students; it would be an honor for me. At the present time, the learning concept has changed; we have changed from the traditional school to the “building's models” (at least in Mexico). The student builds his knowledge and the professor must be a guide.
Alfonso Cuervo (Mexico, Masters international business)


Lic Veronica Lozada Maldonado (Mexico). I greatly appreciate the practical and serious assistance from Professors. They have solved of my doubts and replied to all my comments. This course has been a real surprise for me, not only because its contents are totally updated, but because of the human treatment, which approaches the student to the professor so nobody can notice the distance that regular e-learning courses may imply. Thanks for the opportunity you offer to many students like me.

Nita Tortosa (Peru). I am very happy with the programme of e-business (digital Business). Its contents are exactly the ones I need. Thanks.

Dear Mr Nonell

I come by the present one you to thank, you and all the professors of EENI for all that I learnt during my Master of Science in International Business in your school.
That will appear curious to you but three months after having obtained my master, I found work in the camp of the exportation. Indeed, not only I had this chance, if not that one week after my Boss named me responsible for the export department.
If me this proposal were made; it is precisely because I made my master by e-learning, thing very appreciated by this one. Consequently, I must organize, structure, plan and to direct this department. I treat directly with the heads of undertakings, the Chamber of Commerce, commercial offices, trading companies among which has two Japanese women, companies of transport, embassies, ministries, financial entities...
I make also actions of marketing such as market research, analyses event, actions of publicity and promotion. All this and more, I learned it at EENI.
During my studies, you knew to support me, direct me, to advise me, solve my doubts and concerns in a time always record among 24-48 hours. Thanks to you, I could carry out my large dream: That to work in this world as complex as is export but at the same time very interesting.

Thanks a lot

I think we did a great thing. Moreover, the collaboration, care and attention of both you and your office, and the Professors, was the greatest. The education materials were also the other major factors that made me do my study with high attention and effort as the materials are up-to-date, including the complementary reading materials - rich in known global company cases.

I am eager to further apply my study and experience in global business and trade support and development activities, and I am willing to take part in similar projects that you may have now or in the future, and deliver genuine and professional service to you or other clients. I am also eager now to join international companies and take my work experience global. You may also help me with a possible job and further education /with scholarship/ opportunities whenever you come to know some.

Finally, I would like to extend my special thanks to all of you It is simply a special and unforgettable experience for me!

Keep up the good work to make EENI the real business school of the globalization era!!!

Wishing to all of you and your family, staff, and current students of EENI a Happy and Prosperous Year!!!

Masresha Yimer. Ethiopia.


I finished from solving the Globalization's exercises and I sent them. They took from me big effort because most of our country's exports is petrol and their derivatives and we haven't local development agency or export promotion agency, other thing these exercises required from us to look for and know many things like customs, Chamber of Commerce..., all the multilateral agreements especially that with Yemen. I visited many factories and Ministries. But really after these reports I am feeling that I am another man with another ideas and concepts. Al-Ariki Ehsaan Sadiq (Yemen).

This Master has been crucial and positive for my professional and personal growth since it has provided me with relevant tools and knowledge to face future challenges. The e-business module was the most important for my job. Once more I would like to express my congratulations for this excellent System of learning.

Louis Chang. Export Manager Kraft Foods Venezuela.


I find the Professional Diploma quite interesting. Every single subject is divided into section and all of them are perfectly developed and enlarged with maps, readings, etc.Rosa M Vela (Spain)

Professional Diploma

I am very happy with the Professional Diploma and with the attention received. I started with the course on foreign trade, and followed with the one on the international marketing. Thanks for everything. Let me say that my Professor was excellent.
Leonor Espana (Mexico)

François Dauphin (France) I´m entirely satisfied with this Master of Science in International Trade. Indeed, at the time of my inscription I wished to have a specialization in international business. The subjects (learning units) are very complete; they include not only theoretical but also practical parts, cases of the international trade were excellent. The Master let us know what the reality in global business is.

Sandra Marín (Colombia, Masters International Business). I finished my first subject; The structure of the Master of Science in general is excellent, easy and didactic. Besides, the content is very easy To understand. I congratulate your team again and urge you to go ahead.

Patricia Stein (Peru). Thank you very much; really; it has been a great experience for me. I am sure that I will return to take some other courses to fulfill my Diploma on Foreign trade. Other people in the company are also very interested in it because they have seen the excellent level of the Professional Courses. Thanks to you for the support because finishing the course has taken me longer than expected.

Emile TCHANA (Italy - Cameroon). I am satisfied with this Master because it gives me ability for perfect understanding of certain terms of international business and for proposing solutions and new ideas to my boss. Once I finish this master I think that it will already have a positive impact on my CV.

Some of our students of the Master of international business around the world:

EENI European Students:
Online European Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

EENI - The Middle East and Maghrebian Students:
EENI Middle East Students (Master, Doctorate, Global, Business)

EENI African Students:
African Students (Doctorate Master International Business / Foreign Trade)

EENI Asian Students:
Online Asian Students (Doctorate, Master, Business, International Trade)

EENI American Students:
American Students (Master in International Business)

Paterson Ngatchou - EENI Strategic Alliances with educational institutions
EENI Partnerships with Educational Institutions

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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