EENI Global Business School

Africa Export Project

EENI - African Students:

Online African Students (Course, Master, Doctorate, International Business, Foreign Trade)

For the second phase of the project “Africa Export,” we will define the following objectives:


2- Seminar “Business Opportunities in Africa.”

3- Africa Business Directory: (available in Spanish French Arab Portuguese Other languages).

4- Promote Africa on the Hispanic markets...

5- Improve our EENI Scholarships and Grants for the African students with special emphasis for the African Women.

6- Sub-portal “immigration to Europe and Spain.” (French).

7- Sub Project: “Africa Digital Export ” (French).

For the second part of this project we need the collaboration of our African Students and all the people who have a relationship with Africa.

African Topics:
- Cotonou Agreement Africa EU
- AGOA - African Growth and Opportunity Act. The U.S.-Africa trade
- Africa and China
- Africa and India
- African Economic Integration
- Infrastructures and telecommunications
- African Economy
- The African Development Bank
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- African Union

Doing Business in Sub-Saharan countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, the Comoros, Tanzania, Malawi, Mauritius, Burundi, Rwanda...

Doing Business in the Maghreb and North Africa: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Sudan.


Size. Population. Religions.

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.