EENI Global Business School

Preparation to Apply for Tenders

Syllabus of the Subject

Preparation to Apply for international Tenders or Grants

  1. Introduction to tenders and grants
  2. Project approach to the different Institutions
  3. Introduction to the Logical Framework Approach for designing and monitoring projects
  4. Work-plan and development of opportunities
  5. Search for consortium partners and subcontractors, pre-tender (bid) agreements, pricing, and management fees
  6. Conclusions and review

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English and /or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Master Comercio Exterior Study Doctorate in International Business in French Master Commerce International.

Description (Preparation to Apply for international Tenders Grants).


  1. Getting to know the logical framework approach and its tools
  2. A general acquaintance with the Development Project Cycle management, its key documents, and tools

In this subject; we will study what a Project Cycle is and its different stages. We will introduce the concepts of Logical Framework Approach and Logical Framework Matrix (we will study the Logical Framework Matrix and other related issues more in-depth in the following Module).

We will learn how to look for partners and make consortia for bidding for projects.

Project Cycle Management represents the stages followed by the organization to design, finance, implement, and evaluate projects in these institutions. All stages comprise certain documents and requirements before being able to progress to the next stage.

The Logical Framework Approach is one of the main tools used in International Organizations for designing, planning, and monitoring projects. It consists of diagnosis tools, identification tools and a Logical Framework matrix. Among the diagnosis tools we can find the following: involved Agents Tree and Problems Tree. Among identification tools: Objective Analysis and Alternative Analysis.

A Logical Framework Matrix is a tool that is used for conceptualization, designing, executing, monitoring and evaluating projects. It contains:

- Narrative summary of objectives and activities.
- Objectively verifiable indicators.
- Means of verification.
- Assumptions.

Preparation Process. Example of the decision tree: Restructuring of a State-owned company
Logical Framework Projects

When looking for partners and making consortia it is important to have clear objectives and ideas, and approach them with certain references and capability statements and propose specific tenders or grants to tender (bid) jointly for them.

Global marketing.