EENI Global Business School

Thesis (Master in Business in Muslim Countries)

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Thesis of the Professional Master in Business in Muslim Countries (eLearning)

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

For the successful completion of the Master in International Business (MIB) specialization in  Business in Muslim Countries taught by EENI Global Business School, the student must submit a Thesis (10 ECTS).

The thesis topic must be related to the Islamic Markets.

Examples of thesis of the Professional Master in Business in Muslim Countries may be:

  1. International Marketing Plan (of a particular company) for the Middle East, North African Islamic markets, Central Eurasia..
  2. Investment project in Nigeria, Indonesia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia
  3. SWOT analysis of a business in the Islamic Markets
  4. Creating international distribution networks in the Maghrebian Markets
  5. International Promotion strategies for the Arab states of the Gulf
  6. Fundamental of Islamic Economics
  7. Opening a branch in Jakarta, Tehran, Lagos, Cairo, Amman..

For the students who are working in an exporting company; we recommend writing the dissertation (thesis) on the elaboration of an International Marketing Plan for one Islamic market.

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Online Arab Student, Master International Business

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Master Negocios Internacionales Study Doctorate in International Business in French Master en affaires internationales Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Mestrado em Negócios Internacionais.

Sharia Islam

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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