EENI Global Business School

International Trade (Online Bachelor of Science)

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Techniques of International Trade: Incoterms® 2020, Customs, Documentary Credits (Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business, e-learning, second semester)

Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business 

Subject - “Techniques of International Trade (Incoterms® 2020, Customs, documentary credits)” (6 ECTS) - Online Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business (second semester).

Syllabus of the Program: Incoterms® 2020

  1. Introduction to the Incoterms
  2. What are the Incoterms® 2020?
  3. Key changes to the Incoterms® 2020
    1. The Review of the Incoterms® FCA (Free Carrier)
    2. The change from DAT (Delivered at Terminal) to DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded)
    3. Different levels of insurance coverage under CIF and CIP
    4. Associated costs for each Incoterm (article A9 / B9)
  4. Analysis of the Incoterms® 2020
  5. Incoterms® 2020 and international transport
  6. Incoterms® 2020 for sea and inland waterway transport: FAS (Free Alongside Ship) - FOB (Free On Board) - CFR (Cost and Freight) - CIF (Cost, Insurance & Freight)
  7. Incoterms® 2020 for any mode of transport: EXW (Ex Works) - FCA (Free Carrier) - CPT (Carriage Paid To) - CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to) - DAP (Delivered At Place) - DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded) - DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
  8. How are they used?
  9. Criteria for selection of the Incoterms® 2020

Objectives of the Program “Incoterms® 2020”:

  1. To understand the importance of the Incoterms® 2020 in Foreign Trade
  2. To learn how to calculate the price in function of the Incoterms® 2020
  3. To know the risk, cost and formalities required in function of the selected Incoterm

Syllabus of the Program: Customs Procedures.

  1. Introduction to the Customs procedures
  2. Functions of Customs
  3. Examination of goods
  4. Classification of goods
  5. Customs treatment and clearance
  6. Summary declaration
  7. Release for free circulation
  8. Dispatch for consumption
  9. Origin of goods
  10. Customs Legislation. Customs valuation in the EU
  11. Import Procedures
  12. Single Administrative Document
  13. VAT payable on imported goods
  14. TARIC (Integrated Tariff of the Community)
  15. Customs agents
  16. Case Study:
    1. European Customs Union (EU)
    2. China Customs
    3. EU-Turkey Customs Union
    4. Market Access database (EU)

Objectives of the Program “Customs and International Trade”:

  1. To understand the role and functioning of Customs in foreign trade transactions, as well as the different trade regimes and methods of classification of products
  2. To know the import process of a product as well as customs procedures
  3. To know the Regional Integration Process and his relationship with customs: EU, MERCOSUR, Andean Community, Central American Integration System, ASEAN, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), ECOWAS, WAEMU, ECCAS, CEMAC, SADC, EAC, e IGAD..

Syllabus of the Program: World Customs Organization (WCO).

  1. Introduction to the World Customs Organization (WCO)
  2. Agreement on Rules of Origin of the WTO
  3. Harmonized System (HS) of the WCO
  4. Customs Procedures and Facilitation
  5. Rules of Origin
  6. Customs Valuation
  7. Customs Enforcement and Compliance
  8. SAFE Package
  9. Conventions:
    1. Revised Kyoto Convention
    2. ATA System (Convention Relating to Temporary Admission)
  10. Customs Convention on Containers
  11. Case Study: market access map

The objectives of the Program “World Customs Organization”:

  1. To know the objectives of the WCO (OMA)
  2. To understand the Harmonized System
  3. To understand the Customs Valuation methods and criteria of origin
  4. To analyze trade facilitation programs and customs procedures

Syllabus of the Program: Documentary credit. Methods of Payment.

  1. Introduction to the International Payment Methods
  2. Bank Transfer
  3. Bank Draft
  4. Bills of Exchange
  5. Clean collection
  6. Documentary Collections
  7. Letters of Credit (L/C): types, modalities, terminology, and availability
  8. Opening a letter of credit
  9. Contents of the letter of credit
  10. Documents required
  11. UCP 600
  12. Electronic L/C (e-UCP)
  13. Analysis of the Documentary Credits
  14. Import letters of credit
  15. Case Study: M-PESA in East Africa

Objectives of the Program “Documentary credits”:

  1. To understand the different Methods of Payment used in International Trade and outlining their differences, advantages, and disadvantages both for the importer and the exporter
  2. To understand what documentary collections are and how they work
  3. To understand the importance of the documentary credit in Foreign Trade transactions and its functioning
  4. To know the importance of the Documentary Credits and letter of credit in international trade

African Students Bachelor of Science, Business

EENI African Business Portal.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

Samples: Techniques of International Trade (Incoterms® 2020, Customs, documentary credits) (Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business, e-learning, second semester).

Custom Union - Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMESA

Customs Procedures (Foreign Trade) Origin of Goods


Customs Procedures (Foreign Trade) Origin of Goods

Documentary Credits, Letters of Credit (LC), Foreign Trade, International Payment Methods, documentary collections

Letters of credit

Language of the subject “Techniques of International Trade (Incoterms® 2020, Customs, documentary credits)” of the Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business taught by EENI Global Business School (second semester): Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish EENI Study Doctorate in International Business in French EENI Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese EENI.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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